I got a new android phone and this is my first post with it. Its amazing really. Ten years ago i built computers for a living and now there are phones a hundred times better than those pcs ! It should make updating this blog a bit easier . I visited the plot today to put down some weed proof sheets. There is a constant temptation to just use weedkiller but to me it defeats the purpose of growing your own food. The only drawback of weed proof sheets is their tendency mto lift in windy weather. So this year i got some of thd pegs to help hold it down. My eldest son did a great job pushing in the pegs. He also had a laugh lying down on it even though it was about one degree today with plenty of ice ! My neighbour was there digging up plants. He told me he would be leaving the plot. I am not there long enough to know him too well, but even so he has been a great source of advice. He is not giving up, but has been given an acre or two to work instead. He has plenty of chickens already. Sounds Great !.