I happily finished the compost bin. For now. I might put a removable roof on it to try to keep the compost damp but not wet. An old bit of carpet will do for now.
Not much else really. I sowed some radish and pansies. The radishes are just to bulk up the compost heap. They should provide plenty of leaf before the end of the season. The pansies will be for next spring. I am hoping to grow a mixture of flowers and produce next year.
I love simple flowers. Pot marigolds or calendula are among my favourites - easy to grow and masses of big cheerful and slightly different blooms. Roll on next seasi
Not much else really. I sowed some radish and pansies. The radishes are just to bulk up the compost heap. They should provide plenty of leaf before the end of the season. The pansies will be for next spring. I am hoping to grow a mixture of flowers and produce next year.
I love simple flowers. Pot marigolds or calendula are among my favourites - easy to grow and masses of big cheerful and slightly different blooms. Roll on next seasi