I have just realised how long it has been since I have posted to the blog.
It was such a wonderful summer last year, I think I just forgot!
Well, winter is almost over, hopefully, and we are preparing for spring. First into the pots this year has been an old packet of sweet pea seeds - a little test to see if they'll grow - if they do - brilliant - if not - no loss but a little time.
I also sowed some dahlia seeds in trays that I had collected from a public garden near Paris last year. I have no idea if they will grow - or what they will turn out like - but that is all part of the adventure.
As usual I have been clearing the beds at the plot. Gradually returning them to a nice healthy tilth for this year's growth. It is a waiting game now.
Today was lovely. Bright, sunny and calm. reasonably mild too, for the time of year. I was hoeing a bed when the little robin above joined me. He didn't leave all afternoon and was so relaxed in my company he stayed within a foot or two of the digging.